More Micro-fiction Published in 50 Give or Take

The one-a-day micro-fiction journal 50 Give or Take published another of my stories, “Accidentally,” words to ponder for those who ask, “What is she waiting for?” October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, first declared in 1989. Sign up to receive and submit your own ultra-short stories, free, at 5o Give or Take.

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Why writers write: “Writers write not because they know things but because they want to find things out.” – Julia Alvarez

Survivor Story: A Misleading Sign

“A sign at the camp’s entrance said, ‘Arbeit Macht Frei’ (Work Sets You Free), so I was determined to work hard for my release. An hour later we learned the reality. Freedom depended on Germany’s victory, or our death.” Read about two Holocaust survivors, German Jewish newlyweds sent to America by their parents to have children to “save our people,” in One Person’s Loss. Learn more about the book in NOVELS.

A sign at the entrance to Auschwitz said, in German, “Work Sets You Free”
Berlin, 1937. Jewish newlyweds flee Germany for Brooklyn on the eve of the Nazi slaughter