Bad Dad Tale: A Great Lady Nevertheless

Eleanor Roosevelt’s father Elliott, younger brother of President Theodore Roosevelt, inherited a fortune and squandered it on a rich and idle life. A heavy drinker, he was exiled to Virginia and rarely visited his daughter. She was jealous of the servant girl with whom he fathered a son. Elliott died of a seizure days after jumping out a window. The future First Lady never got over his loss but developed a compassion that benefitted the nation and the world. For the story of another bad dad, read The Great Stork Derby, based on an actual contest in which a husband pressures his wife to have babies for cash and, fifty years later, learns the true value of fatherhood. Read more about the book in NOVELS.

Losing her alcoholic father as a girl made Eleanor Roosevelt a compassionate First Lady
Toronto, 1926: A husband pressures his wife to have babies for a large cash prize

Bad Dad Tale: Blinded by Love

The Apostle Peter asks the Lord to palsy half of his daughter’s body so Ptolemaeus, a rich man, will no longer find her attractive. Grief-stricken and blinded, Ptolemaeus sees the light and comes to Jesus but Peter, the healer, leaves his daughter deformed. For the story of another bad dad, read The Great Stork Derby, based on an actual contest in which a husband pressures his wife to have babies for cash and, fifty years later, learns the true value of fatherhood. Read more about the book in NOVELS.

Apostle Peter, the healer, asks God to deform his daughter’s body
Toronto, 1926: A husband pressures his wife to have babies for a large cash prize

Bad Dad Tale: Do It For Me, Son

In Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, Fagin is the leader and father figure to a gang of young thieves. He employs them to steal on his behalf but does nothing to improve their squalid lives. In the end, Oliver is saved by compassionate mother figures. For the story of another greedy bad dad, read The Great Stork Derby, based on an actual contest in which a husband pressures his wife to have babies for cash and, fifty years later, learns the true value of fatherhood. Read more about the book in NOVELS.

Fagin in Oliver Twist is often criticized as a greedy Jewish stereotype
Toronto, 1926: A husband pressures his wife to have babies for a large cash prize

Bad Dad Tale: Not So Great

Herod the Great, the ambitious King of Judea from 37 to 4 BCE, built monuments but tore down his family. He ordered the execution of the second of his ten wives, her mother and brother, and three of his nine sons. Read about another ambitious bad dad in The Great Stork Derby, based on an actual contest in which a husband pressures his wife to have babies for cash and, fifty years later, learns the true value of fatherhood. Read more about the book in NOVELS.

Paranoid papa orders family executions
Toronto, 1926: A husband pressures his wife to have babies for a large cash prize

Bad Dad Tale: Long Live the King-Maker?

Donald Trump’s father, Fred, was a New York City real estate developer who was twice investigated for profiteering, sued by the U.S. Justice Department for racial discrimination, and charged with tax evasion and illicit campaign contributions. Accordingly to his daughter, Fred trained Donald to be a “killer” and told him, “You are a king!” Aren’t dads supposed to boost their kids’ self-esteem? For the story of another bad dad, read The Great Stork Derby, based on an actual contest in which a husband pressures his wife to have babies for cash and, fifty years later, learns the true value of fatherhood. Read more about the book in NOVELS.

Whatever you do, son, don’t be a loser
Toronto, 1926: A husband pressures his wife to have babies for a large cash prize

Bad Dad Tale: What’s Your Name? Who’s Your Daddy?

After slicing off his son’s hand, Darth Vader in Stars Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back reveals that he’s Luke Skywalker’s father and invites his son to join him on the dark side. For the story of another bad dad with unreasonable expectations, read The Great Stork Derby. Learn more about the book in NOVELS.

Fantasy’s grim reality
Toronto, 1926: A husband pressures his wife to have babies for a large cash prize

Bad Dad Tale: Pathetic and Pushy

Patriarch Royal in The Royal Tennenbaums, 22 years after leaving their mother, forces himself back into his children’s lives by faking a terminal illness. Pushy and insensitive, he tries to make amends with the former prodigies, now failed adults. For the story of another bad dad who tries to make amends, read The Great Stork Derby. Learn more about the book in NOVELS.

Seriously funny fable about a failed father
Toronto, 1926: A husband pressures his wife to have babies for a large cash prize

Bad Dad Tale: AWOL 8X

Barak Obama, Sr., the President’s father, was a Kenyan economist who married an American anthropologist, with whom he had a son. She divorced him three years later. The boy didn’t see his father again until he was ten, and never again after that. All told, Obama, Sr. had four wives and eight children, all raised by their mothers. He died in a car crash months after his last child was born. History’s verdict: “He led a reckless and troubled life.” For the story of another bad dad, read The Great Stork Derby, based on an actual contest in which a husband pressures his wife to have babies for cash and, fifty years later, learns the true value of fatherhood. Read more about the book in NOVELS.

An absent father; a son with great presence
Toronto, 1926: A husband pressures his wife to have babies for a large cash prize

Bad Dad Tale: The Family Business

Michael Corleone in The Godfather reluctantly takes over from his father Vito to help his family. He lies to his wife and hides the truth from his kids. His ruthlessness comes back to haunt him, however, when “the family business” — The Mafia — results in his daughter’s death. For the story of another bad dad, read The Great Stork Derby, based on an actual contest in which a husband pressures his wife to have babies for cash and, fifty years later, learns the true value of fatherhood. Read more about the book in NOVELS.

Accounts payable in the “family business”
Toronto, 1926: A husband pressures his wife to have babies for a large cash prize

Bad Dad Tale: Fascist Father

The subject of Sylvia Paths’s poem “Daddy” is a predator and a Nazi who should be renounced, but also the father of a woman who loves him. Plath’s line, “Every woman adores a Fascist” indicts both the reader and him. For the story of another bad dad, read The Great Stork Derby, based on an actual contest in which a husband pressures his wife to have babies for cash and, fifty years later, learns the true value of fatherhood. Read more about the book in NOVELS.

Sylvia Plath: A daughter torn between love and hate
Toronto, 1926: A husband pressures his wife to have babies for a large cash prize